Business Intelligence for Industrial & Manufacturing

As IOT technology has expanded and evolved from the basics of sensor alerts and management, it has become far more prevalent in the industrial and manufacturing space.  Whether it be collecting data measuring inventory flow and control, or being able to validate quality assurance for customer queries in realtime, rich sensor data can be use to generate very powerful insights.

Many of the largest cloud and technology companies in the world have partnered with leading providers of tools, machines and equipment to allow for this rich data collection across many aspects of the manufacturing plant.  And while collecting the data is important, it is even more important to be able make sense of the data.

We partner closely with our clients in the Industrial & Manufacturing space to help uncover previously unanswered questions by linking data from many areas to create a more clear picture of operations.  By clearly defining and outlining plant goals, then creating real-time data analysis, we can not only reduce time spent on manual process, but also turn everyone on the floor into a data analyst searching for the most optimal outcomes.


With the advent and rise of sophisticated Telematics, Asset-Tracking and Safety Management Tools, organizations now have a way to measure productivity on a mile-by-mile, second-by-second basis across an entire organization, and combine it with other organizational data points.  To learn more, read our White Paper: Business Intelligence for Organizations with Physical Operations

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