How We Work

The BiioT Consulting Process Model is built upon a standard project management methodology.

Model Desired Outcomes

The first steps in developing a valid/productive/viable B.I. infrastructure is modeling, or mapping out the desired outcomes of the business.  This sets a baseline for all groups and stakeholders to follow, and allows for a more broad understanding of the interconnectedness of each individual part of the business.

Create Data Governance Structure

Before implementing any new B.I. tools, it is vitally important to ensure that there are rules and guidelines around existing and new data.  This provides a roadmap for it’s storage, use and access across the organization, as well as rules around access.

Protect and Secure Data

Along with creating the Data Governance Structure is the critical step of ensuring data security, both internally and externally.  In this step, we work closely with our clients to ensure the proper guidelines and tools are in place to protect valuable company data.

Implement the BI Platform

Once we have all of the data aligned, we begin the process of building out the B.I. Platform with serves as the aggregator and visualization platform.  This is what allows for continual evaluation of business operational trends and opens up opportunities for change, improvement and evolution of the business.